Creative Direction • Strategy • Design
American Cancer Society RFPConceptual thinking combined with analytics wins a multi-million dollar contract
Timeframe: 3 weeks
Assignment: Honor/Memorial donors may not have any affinity to the American Cancer Society. They typically give in support of someone who recently died of cancer or in memory of someone past. We aim to also aid in their difficult time, since many are still grieving. The main challenge is to keep the donor engaged, develop an affinity for the organization and develop a consistent pattern of giving. Getting them to convert to a one time or even monthly donor and continue the fight against cancer.
Project Description: Using personas identified by our analytics team based on behavior and marketing research, we envisioned a new platform, the Legacy Library, for users to give and stay engaged. The Advancer (Make a Difference for a Better World) persona is motivated to give to organizations that are trustworthy; saving and improving people's lives; and provide concrete support, services, education and advocacy. The Legacy Library gives them not just a place to give, but to grieve, remember and be supported.
Going beyond giving in grief
We start with the current experience, told through Jane, our persona's experience, detailing her motivations. The donation thank you email invites her to the Legacy Library, where she can connect with other's experiences or build a book of her own.
Sharing experiences as a way to grieve
Creating a memorial book is an opportunity for individuals to collect and share their experiences, offering a more detailed space to memorialize loved ones, and also help others who are facing or have had the similar challenges.
Tangible memories
With the opportunity to create a real book from the digital version, the user has a more personal connection, being able to read encouraging words, stories about their loved one.
Why we did what we did
• The behavior of creating a memorial page is already common, but housing that space on the ACS website draws a connection between the work being done by ACS and the urgent need to fund it
• A printed memorial book is a unique, tangible way to honor someone you love
• Connecting the emotion of grief with action will provide people who feel powerless with something they can do to make a difference
• Timely emails are shown to inspire action